PC Shareware 1997 February
PC Shareware 1997-02.iso
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967 lines
Begin Code
End Code
Type Clock From Clock
End Type
Type Window From Window
End Type
Type Control From Control
End Type
Type Drawable From Drawable
End Type
Type IndentedList From IndentedList
End Type
Type GLControl From GLControl
End Type
Type Directory From Directory
End Type
Type File From File
End Type
Type BinaryFile From BinaryFile
End Type
Type PictureBox From PictureBox
End Type
Type ControlGroup From ControlGroup
End Type
Type ObjectHierarchy From ObjectHierarchy
End Type
Type ScrollBar From ScrollBar
End Type
Type Label From Label
End Type
Type TextBox From TextBox
End Type
Type RichTextBox From RichTextBox
End Type
Type Gauge From Gauge
End Type
Type ComboBox From ComboBox
End Type
Type GdiObject From GdiObject
End Type
Type TextFile From TextFile
End Type
Type Frame From Frame
End Type
Type ColumnHeader From ColumnHeader
End Type
Type Screen From Screen
End Type
Type GdiPolyline From GdiPolyline
End Type
Type Menu From Menu
End Type
Type Image From Image
' METHODS for object: Image
Function DetailedEdit() As Long
Dim dlg as New OpenDialog
' Initialize handled status to not true
DetailedEdit = False
dlg.Filter = "Bitmap Files (*.bmp)|*.bmp|All Files (*.*)|*.*"
dlg.Title = "Load Picture"
If (dlg.Execute() = IDOK) Then
If (Not Picture) Then
Picture = EmbedObject(Me, Bitmap, UniqueEmbedName(Me, "bitmap"))
End If
Picture.LoadType = "FileBased"
Picture.FileName = dlg.FileName
Picture.LoadType = "MemoryBased"
DetailedEdit = True
End If
End Function
Function PropertyEdit() As Long
' Initialize handled status to not true
PropertyEdit = False
If (StrComp(PropertyEditor.SelPropName, "Picture") = 0) Then
PropertyEdit = DetailedEdit()
End If
End Function
End Type
Type BasicCommandShell From BasicCommandShell
End Type
Type ListBox From ListBox
End Type
Type FileListBox From FileListBox
End Type
Type HashStringString From HashStringString
End Type
Type MenuBar From MenuBar
End Type
Type OleServer From OleServer
End Type
Type ObjectTools From ObjectTools
' METHODS for object: ObjectTools
Function EnumReturnTrue (o As Object) As Boolean
EnumReturnTrue = True
End Function
Function ObjectHasCopies(o As Object) As Boolean
' Determine if our object has any copies. If EnumObjectCopies
' encounteres any copies, it will call the Return_True function, which
' simply returns True, thus causing EnumObjectCopies to return True as well.
ObjectHasCopies = EnumObjectCopies(o, Me, "EnumReturnTrue")
End Function
End Type
Type HashStringObject From HashStringObject
End Type
Type XferData From XferData
End Type
Type MarkupLayer From MarkupLayer
End Type
Type TabStrip From TabStrip
End Type
Type CPUClock From CPUClock
End Type
Type CPUStopClock From CPUStopClock
End Type
Type Ocx From Ocx
End Type
Type Font From Font
' METHODS for object: Font
Function DetailedEdit() As Long
' Initialize handled status to not true
DetailedEdit = False
' Handle Font Properties
FontDialog.Title = "Configure Font: " & Me
FontDialog.Font = Me
DetailedEdit = True
End Function
End Type
Type CheckBox From CheckBox
End Type
Type DataBuffer From DataBuffer
End Type
Type Button From Button
End Type
Type Brush From Brush
End Type
Type Bitmap From Bitmap
' METHODS for object: Bitmap
Function PropertyEdit() As Long
Dim dlg as New OpenDialog
' Initialize handled status to not true
PropertyEdit = False
' Handle Image Properties
If (StrComp(PropertyEditor.SelPropName, "FileName") = 0) Then
' use open dialog to set it
dlg.DefaultExtension = "bmp"
dlg.FileMustExist = False
dlg.FileName = ""
dlg.Filter = "Bitmap files (*.bmp)|*.bmp|All files (*.*)|*.*|"
dlg.NoChangeDir = True
dlg.Title = "Load Picture"
If dlg.Execute = IDOK Then
LoadType = "FileBased"
LoadType = "MemoryBased"
PropertyEdit = True
End If
End If
End Function
End Type
Type TabStripTab From TabStripTab
End Type
Type Automation From Automation
End Type
Type MessageWindow From MessageWindow
End Type
Type Form From Form
' METHODS for object: Form
Function DetailedEdit() As Integer
FormEditor.CurForm = Me
End Function
End Type
Type StopClock From StopClock
End Type
Type ObjectList From ObjectList
End Type
Type ObjectCombo From ObjectCombo
End Type
Type ListItem From ListItem
End Type
Type OptionButton From OptionButton
End Type
Type ImageList From ImageList
End Type
Type ButtonGadget From ButtonGadget
' METHODS for object: ButtonGadget
Function DetailedEdit as long
Dim outcome as long
GadgetConfigWizard.OriginalGadget = Me
outcome = GadgetConfigWizard.ShowModal
If outcome = IDCANCEL Then
DetailedEdit = False
DetailedEdit = True
End If
End Try
End Function
End Type
Type GdiLine From GdiLine
End Type
Type GdiShape From GdiShape
End Type
Type Pen From Pen
End Type
Type ObjectBox From ObjectBox
' METHODS for object: ObjectBox
Sub ScreenLayoutRestore
' Try to detect if an ObjectBox will be off the screen when positioned, and
' fix this by increasing the number of columns or rows.
dim screenWidth, screenHeight as Single
screenWidth = Screen.Width
screenHeight = Screen.Height
If (NumRows = -1) Then
If Top + Height > screenHeight Then
NumColumns = NumColumns + 1
If (Left + Width) > screenWidth Then Left = screenWidth - Width
End If
If Left + Width > screenWidth Then
NumRows = NumRows + 1
If (Top + Height) > screenHeight Then Top = screenHeight - Height
End If
End If
End Sub
End Type
Type Printer From Printer
End Type
Type Ole From Ole
End Type
Type CompoundFile From CompoundFile
End Type
Type FileComboBox From FileComboBox
End Type
Type SystemTools From SystemTools
End Type
Type CompoundFileStream From CompoundFileStream
End Type
Type PopupMenu From PopupMenu
End Type
Type CompoundFileStorage From CompoundFileStorage
End Type
Type HashDictionary From HashDictionary
End Type
Type ListView From ListView
End Type
Begin Code
' Reconstruction commands for object: Clock
With Clock
End With 'Clock
' Reconstruction commands for object: Window
With Window
.DataSource := Nothing
.DataField := ""
.Caption := ""
.BackColor := -1
.ForeColor := -1
.MousePointer := "Default"
.Enabled := True
.Font := Nothing
.DragMode := "RightMouse"
.ZOrder := 0
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
End With 'Window
' Reconstruction commands for object: Control
With Control
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
.TabStop := False
.TabGroup := False
End With 'Control
' Reconstruction commands for object: Drawable
With Drawable
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
.TabStop := True
.TabGroup := True
.BevelInner := "None"
.BevelOuter := "None"
.BevelWidth := 2
.BorderWidth := 0
.Outlined := False
.CurrentX := 0
.CurrentY := 0
.DrawColor := 0
.DrawWidth := 1
.FillColor := 16777215
.DrawMode := "Copy Pen"
.DrawStyle := "Solid"
.FillStyle := "Solid"
End With 'Drawable
' Reconstruction commands for object: IndentedList
With IndentedList
.Font := Nothing
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
.TabStop := True
.TabGroup := True
.ExpandOnDblClick := False
.IconBitmap := Nothing
.IconHeight := 0
.IconWidth := 0
.IndentWidth := 16
.Sorted := False
.Underline := False
.HighlightStyle := "TextOnly"
End With 'IndentedList
' Reconstruction commands for object: GLControl
With GLControl
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
.TabStop := True
.TabGroup := True
End With 'GLControl
' Reconstruction commands for object: Directory
With Directory
.Path := ""
End With 'Directory
' Reconstruction commands for object: File
With File
.FileName := ""
End With 'File
' Reconstruction commands for object: BinaryFile
With BinaryFile
.Position := -1
.SwapBytes := False
End With 'BinaryFile
' Reconstruction commands for object: PictureBox
With PictureBox
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
End With 'PictureBox
' Reconstruction commands for object: ControlGroup
With ControlGroup
.EvalRequires := "MatchOne"
End With 'ControlGroup
' Reconstruction commands for object: ObjectHierarchy
With ObjectHierarchy
.Font := Nothing
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
.TabStop := True
.TabGroup := True
.Group := Nothing
.RootObject := Nothing
.ShowDynamics := False
.ShowEmbeds := False
.ShowStatics := True
End With 'ObjectHierarchy
' Reconstruction commands for object: ScrollBar
With ScrollBar
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
.TabStop := True
.TabGroup := True
.SmallChange := 100
.LargeChange := 1000
.Min := 0
.Max := 32767
.Value := 0
.Orientation := "Vertical"
End With 'ScrollBar
' Reconstruction commands for object: Label
With Label
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
.TabGroup := True
.BorderStyle := "None"
.Alignment := "Left"
.WordWrap := True
.Ctrl3d := True
End With 'Label
' Reconstruction commands for object: TextBox
With TextBox
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
.TabStop := True
.BorderStyle := "Fixed Single"
.WordWrap := False
.MaxLength := 0
.MultiLine := False
.ReadOnly := False
.ScrollBars := "None"
End With 'TextBox
' Reconstruction commands for object: RichTextBox
With RichTextBox
.BackColor := 16777215
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
.WordWrap := True
.Ctrl3d := False
.MultiLine := True
.DisableNoScroll := False
.HideSelection := True
.Persistent := True
.FileName := ""
End With 'RichTextBox
' Reconstruction commands for object: Gauge
With Gauge
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
.TabGroup := True
.Min := 0
.Max := 100
.Value := 0
.Orientation := "Horizontal"
.LEDStep := 0
.Margin := 0
.BarColor := 16711680
End With 'Gauge
' Reconstruction commands for object: ComboBox
With ComboBox
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
.TabStop := True
.TabGroup := True
.Ctrl3d := True
.Sorted := True
.DropHeight := 8
.Style := "DropdownCombo"
End With 'ComboBox
' Reconstruction commands for object: GdiObject
With GdiObject
End With 'GdiObject
' Reconstruction commands for object: TextFile
With TextFile
.Position := -1
End With 'TextFile
' Reconstruction commands for object: Frame
With Frame
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
.TabStop := True
.TabGroup := True
.Ctrl3d := True
End With 'Frame
' Reconstruction commands for object: ColumnHeader
With ColumnHeader
.Alignment := "Left"
.Width := 1440
.Caption := ""
End With 'ColumnHeader
' Reconstruction commands for object: Screen
With Screen
.MousePointer := "Default"
End With 'Screen
' Reconstruction commands for object: GdiPolyline
With GdiPolyline
End With 'GdiPolyline
' Reconstruction commands for object: Menu
With Menu
.AccelKey := "(nothing)"
End With 'Menu
' Reconstruction commands for object: Image
With Image
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
.BevelOuter := "Inset"
.AutoInitCropRect := True
.Picture := Nothing
.ResizeMode := "Fit"
.ScrollBars := "Automatic"
End With 'Image
' Reconstruction commands for object: BasicCommandShell
With BasicCommandShell
.Visible := False
.Caption := "Basic Command Shell"
.Left := 0
.Top := 0
.Width := 0
.Height := 0
End With 'BasicCommandShell
' Reconstruction commands for object: ListBox
With ListBox
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
.TabStop := True
.TabGroup := True
.Ctrl3d := True
.Sorted := True
End With 'ListBox
' Reconstruction commands for object: FileListBox
With FileListBox
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
.Path := ""
.Filter := ""
.ShowDrives := False
.ShowDirs := False
.ShowFiles := True
End With 'FileListBox
' Reconstruction commands for object: HashStringString
With HashStringString
.BucketCount := 64
.Persistent := False
End With 'HashStringString
' Reconstruction commands for object: MenuBar
With MenuBar
End With 'MenuBar
' Reconstruction commands for object: OleServer
With OleServer
.ClassID := ""
.FileName := ""
.RegClass := "Single"
.Active := "Strong"
.RegState := "Unregistered"
.Automated := Nothing
End With 'OleServer
' Reconstruction commands for object: ObjectTools
With ObjectTools
End With 'ObjectTools
' Reconstruction commands for object: HashStringObject
With HashStringObject
.BucketCount := 64
.Persistent := False
End With 'HashStringObject
' Reconstruction commands for object: XferData
With XferData
End With 'XferData
' Reconstruction commands for object: MarkupLayer
With MarkupLayer
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
End With 'MarkupLayer
' Reconstruction commands for object: TabStrip
With TabStrip
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
.TabStop := True
.TabGroup := True
.ImageListRef := Nothing
.MultiRow := False
.Style := "Tabs"
.TabWidthStyle := "Justified"
.TabFixedHeight := 0
.TabFixedWidth := 1000
.Ctrl3d := False
End With 'TabStrip
' Reconstruction commands for object: CPUClock
With CPUClock
End With 'CPUClock
' Reconstruction commands for object: CPUStopClock
With CPUStopClock
.State := "Reset"
End With 'CPUStopClock
' Reconstruction commands for object: Ocx
With Ocx
.Caption := ""
.BackColor := -1
.ForeColor := -1
.Font := Nothing
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
.TabStop := True
.TabGroup := True
.OCXClassName := ""
.Caption := ""
.BackColor := -1
.ForeColor := -1
.Font := Nothing
End With 'Ocx
' Reconstruction commands for object: Font
With Font
.FaceName := ""
.Size := 0.000000
.Bold := True
.Italic := False
.Strikethru := False
End With 'Font
' Reconstruction commands for object: CheckBox
With CheckBox
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
.TabStop := True
.Value := "Unchecked"
.Ctrl3d := True
End With 'CheckBox
' Reconstruction commands for object: DataBuffer
With DataBuffer
.Persistent := False
End With 'DataBuffer
' Reconstruction commands for object: Button
With Button
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
.TabStop := True
.TabGroup := True
.Ctrl3d := False
End With 'Button
' Reconstruction commands for object: Brush
With Brush
.FillColor := 16777215
.FillStyle := "Solid"
End With 'Brush
' Reconstruction commands for object: Bitmap
With Bitmap
.CacheBitmap := False
.Persistent := True
.StretchBltMode := "ColorOnColor"
.LoadType := "FileBased"
.FileName := ""
End With 'Bitmap
' Reconstruction commands for object: TabStripTab
With TabStripTab
.Caption := ""
.Icon := 0
End With 'TabStripTab
' Reconstruction commands for object: Automation
With Automation
End With 'Automation
' Reconstruction commands for object: MessageWindow
With MessageWindow
.hWnd := 0
End With 'MessageWindow
' Reconstruction commands for object: Form
With Form
.MousePointer := "Default"
.Font := Nothing
.Move(5160, 2295, 3600, 4320)
.BevelInner := "None"
.BevelOuter := "None"
.BevelWidth := 2
.BorderWidth := 0
.Outlined := False
.CurrentX := 0
.CurrentY := 0
.DrawColor := 0
.DrawWidth := 1
.FillColor := 16777215
.DrawMode := "Copy Pen"
.DrawStyle := "Solid"
.FillStyle := "Solid"
.KeyPreview := False
.ScaleMode := "Twip"
.DefaultButton := Nothing
.CancelButton := Nothing
.MenuBar := Nothing
.PopupMenu := Nothing
.FileDrop := False
.AccelForm := Nothing
.BorderStyle := "Sizable"
.MaxButton := True
.MinButton := True
.ControlBox := True
.Parent := Nothing
End With 'Form
' Reconstruction commands for object: StopClock
With StopClock
.State := "Reset"
End With 'StopClock
' Reconstruction commands for object: ObjectList
With ObjectList
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
.TabStop := True
.TabGroup := True
.Group := Nothing
.ListIndex := -1
.RestrictToModule := -1
.ShowDynamics := False
.ShowEmbeds := False
.ShowStatics := True
.RootObject := Nothing
.SelObject := Nothing
.Style := "Sorted"
End With 'ObjectList
' Reconstruction commands for object: ObjectCombo
With ObjectCombo
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
.DropHeight := 8
End With 'ObjectCombo
' Reconstruction commands for object: ListItem
With ListItem
End With 'ListItem
' Reconstruction commands for object: OptionButton
With OptionButton
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
.Ctrl3d := True
.Value := False
End With 'OptionButton
' Reconstruction commands for object: ImageList
With ImageList
.ImageWidth := 0
.ImageHeight := 0
End With 'ImageList
' Reconstruction commands for object: ButtonGadget
With ButtonGadget
.Enabled := True
.Separator := 0
.Position := -1
.State := "Up"
.ButtonType := "Command"
.ShadowStyle := "DoubleShadow"
End With 'ButtonGadget
' Reconstruction commands for object: GdiLine
With GdiLine
.x1 := 543973718
.y1 := 1629499769
.x2 := 1867260019
.y2 := 539584366
End With 'GdiLine
' Reconstruction commands for object: GdiShape
With GdiShape
.x1 := 744846433
.y1 := 1717986592
.x2 := 544498533
.y2 := 1327526721
.Shape := "Rectangle"
End With 'GdiShape
' Reconstruction commands for object: Pen
With Pen
.Color := 16777215
.Width := 1
.Style := "Solid"
End With 'Pen
' Reconstruction commands for object: ObjectBox
With ObjectBox
.Caption := ""
.BackColor := 12632256
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
.AutoEnabler := True
.NumColumns := 2
.NumRows := -1
.TileDirection := "Horizontal"
.LayoutStyle := "ToolBox"
.MarginLeft := -1
.MarginRight := -1
.MarginTop := -1
.MarginBottom := -1
End With 'ObjectBox
' Reconstruction commands for object: Printer
With Printer
.BevelInner := "None"
.BevelOuter := "None"
.BevelWidth := 2
.BorderWidth := 0
.Outlined := False
.CurrentX := 0
.CurrentY := 0
.DrawColor := 0
.DrawWidth := 1
.FillColor := 16777215
.DrawMode := "Copy Pen"
.DrawStyle := "Solid"
.FillStyle := "Solid"
.Font := Nothing
.ScaleMode := "Twip"
End With 'Printer
' Reconstruction commands for object: Ole
With Ole
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
.TabStop := True
.TabGroup := True
.Verb := 0
.OleTypeAllowed := "Either"
.HostName := ""
.Class := ""
.SourceDoc := ""
.SizeMode := "Stretch"
End With 'Ole
' Reconstruction commands for object: CompoundFile
With CompoundFile
End With 'CompoundFile
' Reconstruction commands for object: FileComboBox
With FileComboBox
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
.TabStop := True
.TabGroup := True
.Ctrl3d := True
.Sorted := True
End With 'FileComboBox
' Reconstruction commands for object: SystemTools
With SystemTools
.LastError := 0
End With 'SystemTools
' Reconstruction commands for object: CompoundFileStream
With CompoundFileStream
.Position := -1
End With 'CompoundFileStream
' Reconstruction commands for object: PopupMenu
With PopupMenu
End With 'PopupMenu
' Reconstruction commands for object: CompoundFileStorage
With CompoundFileStorage
End With 'CompoundFileStorage
' Reconstruction commands for object: HashDictionary
With HashDictionary
.BucketCount := 64
.Persistent := False
End With 'HashDictionary
' Reconstruction commands for object: ListView
With ListView
.BackColor := 16777215
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
.TabStop := True
.TabGroup := True
.View := "Report"
.Arrange := "AutoTop"
.SortOrder := "Ascending"
.SortType := "Alphabetic"
.Sorted := False
.SortKey := 0
.LabelEdit := True
.LabelWrap := True
.HideColumnHeaders := False
.HideSelection := True
.SmallIcons := Nothing
.LargeIcons := Nothing
.Ctrl3d := False
.BackColor := 16777215
End With 'ListView
End Code